1·Thrift Shop customers are generally poor.
2·We ducked into the dimly lit thrift shop to get out of the rain.
3·Yes, you plan to lose 10 pounds to fit into that outfit. Well, when you do, go to the thrift shop and get some better-fitting items.
4·Thrift shopping is so popular right now, I got most of my clothes from the thrift shop down the street, and they are all unique and cheap!
5·It takes thrift shop-level patience, but there is Tumi luggage, Kate Spade bags, Bruno Magli loafers, cameras, laptops, golf clubs - you name it - all for a fraction of retail.
它廉价旧货店级别的耐心,但是这里有Tumi包,Kate Spade包,Bruno Magli便鞋,照相机,电脑,高尔夫球棒,要什么有什么。这些都是零售的一小部分。
6·Since Bob is home today for half day, so I get so have more pictures today. And here is the last piece I got from the Thrift Shop, a sequin jacket, cost $25. I like it can be wear day and night.
今天我老公在家呆了半天, 所以今天得拍了两组相片。这次秀的就是在二手货店淘的一件亮片外套, 25美金。 觉得这件外套白天晚上都可以穿的呢!
7·We shop exclusively at discount stores/thrift stores and use a lot of coupons when shopping for groceries.